Very Inspiring Blogger and Sunshine Awards

With the beginning of the New Year, I’d like to gratefully acknowledge two blogging awards that David Kanigan nominated me for last year—the Very Inspiring Blogger Award and the Sunshine Award. David’s blog, Lead.Learn.Live., continues to be one of my inspirations, and I highly recommend his site.

veryinspiringblogawardFor too long, I put off these nominations, telling myself that I didn’t have the time (or the inclination) to meet the criteria—nominate 10 other blogs and tell seven facts about yourself. But over the holidays, I decided to tackle the task of drawing up a list of blogs I admire. I vowed to visit the site of every blogger who had “liked” me during the year as well as those who took the time to comment or follow me.

I discovered some rare gems in the process. I was transported across the globe—to the Middle East, Africa, India, France, Ireland and Canada. I was entertained, I was enthralled, I was super-impressed with the effort and care folks put into their blogs. To be sure, there were a few bloggers who disappointed. Those were the ones who hadn’t posted in six months, were too focused on themselves or frankly were too commercial for my taste.

SunshineAwardSome bloggers don’t accept awards, and I can appreciate that. You don’t blog to earn accolades, but it is nice to be recognized by your peers. And while the rules do have a chain-letter aspect to them, I believe they prod you to do what bloggers should be doing anyway—fostering a community that values sharing and mutual support.

So one of my New Year’s resolutions is to do a better job of encouraging other bloggers. I have signed up to follow some new ones, and I hope to do more “liking” and commenting in 2013.

Below are my nominations for the Very Inspiring Blogger and Sunshine Awards, culled from the sites I visited over the holidays and in recognition of their wonderful and varied work. Many other readers also supported me this past year with their feedback and kind words. Thanks to everyone, and Happy New Year!

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Alan at
David at
Michael at
Thin8air at
Alex at
Ed at
Patrick at
Rob at
Tom at
Anthony at

Sunshine Award

Chrisalyn at
Mary at
Clotilda at
Ellie at
Micheline at
Melanie at
Monce at
Chris at
Attila at
Jessica at

Seven facts about myself

  1. I’m an introvert, so I really don’t like to talk about myself (that much).
  2. I enjoy being outdoors and going hiking, camping and biking.
  3. I recently celebrated my first year as an independent public relations consultant.
  4. I have written professionally for over 30 years but didn’t try blogging until about a year ago.
  5. I can be annoyingly pedantic, especially when it comes to grammar, usage and style.
  6. I have a passion for mission work.
  7. I attempt to play the guitar, although I admit that three years of lessons have not yielded much. In other words, don’t expect any concerts.
To accept an award, the rules are:
Link back to the person who nominated you.
Post the award image to your page.
Tell seven facts about yourself.
Nominate 10 other blogs.
Let them know they are nominated.
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28 Responses to Very Inspiring Blogger and Sunshine Awards

  1. Thanks for the ma-nomimation (doo-doo-da-doo-doo!) What a lovely way to start off the New Year!

  2. Chrisalyn says:

    Thanks, Jay! Your blog is fantastic and full of insight. This post has inspired me to start reading more blogs and support other writers 🙂

  3. Thank you for the kind words Jay. Pedantic huh? Yet another looking over my shoulder with a critical eye…:)

    • Jay Morris says:

      You’re welcome. And thanks for nominating me! P.S. I’m learning to be more “patiently” pedantic. Mainly because I’ve discovered I’m not perfect. Shocking.

  4. Monce Abraham says:

    Thanks Jay, for taking out time and visiting my blog – Appreciate the award.
    Hope to spread the goodness going ahead!

    Take care, and wish you and your loved ones a Great Year ahead.

    Cheers, Monce

  5. Alan Hahn says:

    Jay, thank you very much! I look forward to reading your (always inspiring) posts in 2013 – and best wishes in year two of your new venture.

  6. Michael Nichols says:

    Thanks Jay – I’m honored. I appreciate your passion for encouraging others. Happy New Year, my friend.

  7. I am so happy you nominated me. I will follow the rules as I have followed your posts. It is a privilege to be nominated for an award. The most difficult part is to tell seven things about yourself. But I’ll manage.
    Again, I thank you very much for your nomination.
    Best regards and a Happy New Year,

  8. Pingback: Sunshine Awards for Blogs « Fletcher Prince

  9. Thanks a lot. Ooh, wow, it feels good to be appreciated! Stay in touch!

  10. Pingback: What a lovely way to start the New Year! | Writerly Goodness

  11. Pingback: JMC’s Wayward Journey blog earns 2 awards

  12. Pingback: A Nomination from the Wayward Journey « Micheline's Blog

  13. Pingback: A Nomination from Micheline’s Blog « Micheline's Blog

  14. Pingback: Awards & Nominations: Thank You | Micheline's Blog

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